Please call or visit the Main Office for translation services or support in filling out forms.
Emergency Contact Form
Media Consent Forms
In order for your child to be photographed, filmed or videotaped for non-profit use by CPS, he or she must have a consent form signed by a parent or guardian on file at school. Consent forms are generally handed out during the first week of school. Consent forms for both students are available for download below. Return the signed form to your child's school.
This form is completed every school year during registration.
RoboCalls & School Messaging
Back of the Yards College Preparatory High School (BOYCP) and Chicago Public Schools (CPS) periodically use phone messaging to send information regarding school or district events, updates or initiatives that benefit your student, including report card distribution, field trips, community events, parent-teacher conferences, announcements, sport team updates, and more.
Back of the Yards College Preparatory High School (BOYCP) and Chicago Public Schools (CPS) periodically use phone messaging to send information regarding school or district events, updates or initiatives that benefit your student, including report card distribution, field trips, community events, parent-teacher conferences, announcements, sport team updates, and more.
Medical Forms
It's recommended to have all medical forms completed and submitted to the BOYCP by the end of the school year. Forms may be submitted in the red envelope by mail or dropped off directly to the school. All medical forms are due at before the first day of school.
Player Record Card
This form is needed to confirm parental consent for participation (must be filled out for each sport/each season).
- CPS Player Record Packet - ENGLISH
IHSA Sports Physical Form
The IHSA physical form documents that a student-athlete is medically cleared to participate in interscholastic athletics. The entire form must be complete in order for a student to participate in any sport.
- IHSA Pre-Participation Physical Form - ENGLISH
IHSA Drug Testing Waiver Form
This form is required by the Illinois High School Association. The IHSA conducts random drug testing of high school athletes every year. In order to participate in Southside athletic teams that are governed by the IHSA Students our students are required to fill out their Drug Testing Waiver form (must be filled out every school year).
- IHSA Drug Testing Waiver - ENGLISH
Concussion Info Waiver Form
This form needs to be completed by every student athlete. Its intention is to inform parents about the dangers of concussions.
An online application can be filled out requesting your records at
Lockdown Opt Out Information