RS1 French II-Tchakoumi 002 Assignments

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Crossword in Google Classroom


Please use the rules we learn to conjugate regular verbs and irregular verbs in the simple future tense.
So before you conjugate a verb, check if the verb is on the list verbs with irregular stems. When a verb is, then use the irregular stem mentioned in the table, and add the appropriate ending.
Madame Tchakoumi


Final Exam in Google Classroom

Final Exam

Chers élèves, 
I will not be there today. You will complete your final exam, which is on the near future tense and the simple future tense. You may use your notes to complete the exam. If you do, don't forget to resubmit your notes once you are done.
Late submissions will not be graded.
À mardi!
Madame Tchakoumi


Culture! in Google Classroom


Bonjour tout le monde,
Answer the questions on pages 40 and 44. Research on page 40 is on innovations and research on page 44 is on the concepts of  TERROIR. Please submit your assignment here.
You have today and Wednesday to complete everything!
Madame Tchakoumi


IrregularVerbs_SimpleFuture in Google Classroom


On va prendre les dernières notes sur le futur simple et les verbes irréguliers.
Madame Tchakoumi


Futur simple (Simple Future)/Tableau 2 in Google Classroom

Futur simple (Simple Future)/Tableau 2

Remplissez le tableau!
Madame Tchakoumi


Futur simple in Google Classroom

Futur simple

À votre tour!
Your turn!

Remplissez le tableau!
Complete the table!

Madame Tchakoumi


Les notes sur le futur simple! in Google Classroom

Les notes sur le futur simple!


Let's take some notes about the simple future!
Madame Tchakoumi


EXTRA FRENCH, Ep 1 video, activity 2 in Google Classroom

EXTRA FRENCH, Ep 1 video, activity 2

Dear students,
Once you are done with the first activity on the EXTRA FRENCH, EP 1 video, you will complete this activity!
You will need to watch the video again.
You will go to YOUTUBE and search Extra French episode 1 with subtitles. It should be the first video you see.
Madame Tchakoumi


French Extra, Ep1 in Google Classroom

French Extra, Ep1

Dear students,
You will answer questions about the French Extra episode we watched together!
Madame Tchakoumi

Bonjour tout le monde
Vous répondrez  aux questions du premier épisode  de French Extra!

Madame Tchakoumi


Interro : le futur proche (near future tense) in Google Classroom

Interro : le futur proche (near future tense)

Dear students,
I will not be there tomorrow, May 5th.

Attached is your quiz on the Near future Tense.
It is supposed to be easy! Complete the table and conjugate the verbs in the near future tense.
Please turn in your asignment by the end of class.
A jeudi!
Madame Tchakoumi


Culture in Google Classroom



Aujourd'hui, vous allez faire une petite recherche sur l'espace privé en France, ainsi que l'identité nationale et l'hymne national : pages 34 et 35. 
Nous corrigerons votre devoir demain et vous le rendrez à la fin du cours.
Madame Tchakoumi


Interro_COGNATES in Google Classroom


Traduisez les phrases du tableau en anglais. N'utilisez pas Google Translate!
Madame Tchakoumi


Vocab, part A in Google Classroom

Vocab, part A

Bonjour tout  le monde,
During the month of April, we will focus on French vocabulary you already use in your language without knowing it!
That's the best way to constitute your French toolbox!
Madame Tchakoumi  


Interrogation: les verbes IRRÉGULIERS in Google Classroom

Interrogation: les verbes IRRÉGULIERS

Interrogation: les verbes IRRÉGULIERS


Les Intouchables (FILM)/Les verbes irréguliers (100 VERBES COURANTS) in Google Classroom

Les Intouchables (FILM)/Les verbes irréguliers (100 VERBES COURANTS)

Aujourd'hui, nous allons conjuger quatre verbes irréguliers, puis commencer à regarder le film LES INTOUCHABLES.
Vous trouverez ci-joint le tableau des verbes irréguliers et la fiche de lecture des INTOUCHABLES.
Madame Tchakoumi


100 verbes courants_ Les verbes réguliers in Google Classroom

100 verbes courants_ Les verbes réguliers

In the list of the 100 common verbs in French, some verbs are regular and some are irregular. Irregular verbs have a little star. We will classify regular verbs ending in ER, IR, and RE in the table. (Irregular verbs ending in ER, IR, and RE will not be in the table below.) Keep in mind the following: when a verb is regular, it means that you can apply the regular rule to conjugate it.
Madame Tchakoumi


Interro : les100 verbes courants in Google Classroom

Interro : les100 verbes courants

Vous trouverez ci joint l'interrogation.
Merci de rendre votre devoir d'ici la fin du cours.
Madame Tchakoumi


Lexique et images in Google Classroom

Lexique et images

Please complete the Google slides. Find the verb (third category) that describes each image.
Madame Tchakoumi


Lexique et images in Google Classroom

Lexique et images

Please complete the Google slides. Find the verb (third category) that describes each image.
Madame Tchakoumi


100 verbes courants in Google Classroom

100 verbes courants

Aujourd'hui, nous remplirons ensemble la première colonne du tableau.
(Today, we will complete together the first column of the table.)
Madame Tchakoumi


FinalExam_Part2_Semester1 in Google Classroom


Chers élèves,
Vous trouverez ci-joint la deuxième partie de l'épreuve de français. Le devoir est à rendre jeudi soir.
I have attached the research part of the final exam. It should be turned in by Thursday evening.
Madame Tchakoumi


Tableau de verbes (Table of verbs) in Google Classroom

Tableau de verbes (Table of verbs)

Dear students,
Please complete the table of RE verbs.
Merci !
Madame Tchakoumi


RE verbs! in Google Classroom

RE verbs!

Chers élèves,
Remplissez les trous des diapositives au fur et à mesure de la leçon. Puis, vous remplirez le tableau de verbes.
Madame Tchakoumi

Dear students,
You will take notes and complete the blanks. Next, you will complete the table.
Madame Tchakoumi


Le vocabulaire des Fêtes! in Google Classroom

Le vocabulaire des Fêtes!

Chers élèves,
Each of you should have a copy the PDF document. This document includes a table of vocabulary words. Each student will look up the English translation for one word online ( Translate if necessary). Each student will find a picture for his/her word and insert it, so we will complete together the PowerPoint presentation for the vocabulary list. Next, we will focus on pronunciation.I will model it for you, but each student will practice the pronunciation of his/her word using Wordreference/Google translate, will record it, and, once ready, attach the recording to the slide.
Normally, each student should be able to edit the PowerPoint document.
Madame Tchakoumi


Les verbes du deuxième groupe (Some IR verbs) in Google Classroom

Les verbes du deuxième groupe (Some IR verbs)

Chers élèves,
Remplissez les trous des diapositives au fur et à mesure de la leçon.Puis, vous remplirez le tableau de verbes.
Madame Tchakoumi

Dear students,
You will take notes and complete the blanks. Next, you will complete the table.
Madame Tchakoumi


GRASPS_Ma routine in Google Classroom

GRASPS_Ma routine

Chers élèves,
Vous trouverez ci-joint votre projet de vidéo à rendre lundi 14 décembre. Vous vous y consacrerez pendant les cours.
Nous lirons les instructions ensemble en cours et vous pourrez me poser des questions.
Voici des liens pour vous aider avec les sous-titres:
Madame Tchakoumi

Dear students,
I have attached the video project about your routine, which is due December 14th. You will focus on it in class.
We will read the directions together in class and you will be able to ask me questions.
Here are some helpful links for you to add subtitles to your video:
Madame Tchakoumi


Vocabulaire utile_La vie quotidienne/Routine in Google Classroom

Vocabulaire utile_La vie quotidienne/Routine

Bonjour tout le monde,
Nous allons remplir ensemble ce tableau. Il vous servira pour votre projet de vidéo.
Madame Tchakoumi

Good morning everyone,
We are going to complete this table together. It will be useful for your video project.
Ms. Tchakoumi


ER reflexive verbs table! in Google Classroom

ER reflexive verbs table!

Remplissez le tableau de verbes!


Les verbes pronominaux/Reflexive verbs in Google Classroom

Les verbes pronominaux/Reflexive verbs

Chers élèves,
Aujourd'hui, nous allons apprendre à conjuguer une catégorie de verbes qu'on appelle les verbes pronominaux.
Nous lirons les notes ensemble, puis vous répondrez à quelques questions.
Madame Tchakoumi


Le guide de compréhension in Google Classroom

Le guide de compréhension

Chers élèves,
Merci de me rendre, aujourd'hui, votre guide de compréhension.
Madame Tchakoumi


EVERYDAY LIFE (Mardi 22 septembre 2020) in Google Classroom

EVERYDAY LIFE (Mardi 22 septembre 2020)

Dear students,
On Tuesday, September 22nd, you will complete the activity EVERYDAY LIFE: "l'euro" and "education", and you will research on the Internet the answers to the questions on pages 13 to 15.
You will answer these questions on a Word document and submit it online.
Ms. Tchakoumi


FIRST THING FIRST (Lundi 21 septembre 2020) in Google Classroom

FIRST THING FIRST (Lundi 21 septembre 2020)

Dear students,
On Tuesday, September 21st, you will complete the activity FIRST THING FIRST, and you will research on the Internet the answers to the questions on pages 13 to 15.
You will answer these questions on a Word document and submit it online.
Ms. Tchakoumi


Un peu de culture! in Google Classroom

Un peu de culture!

Lisez la petite biographie de Matthieu Chedid et répondez aux questions!
(Please, don't use Google Translate... You don't need to. You can answer these questions without understanding everything. Try to find key words! Try to find in the text words that are in the questions.)
Madame T


Les mois de l'année ( Mots-croisés) in Google Classroom

Les mois de l'année ( Mots-croisés)

Chers élèves,
Vous avez quinze minutes pour faire ces mots-croisés.
Madame Tchakoumi


Notes_Questions_Week1 in Google Classroom


Chers élèves,
Aujourd'hui, vous ferez les activités ci-jointes. C'est une petite révision. Lisez les notes. Elles sont là pour vous aider. Durant le cours, n'hésitez pas à me poser des questions.
Vous devrez répondre aux questions sur un autre document et le rendre en ligne.
Madame T

Dear students,
Today, you will complete the activities I attached. This is a little review. Read the notes. You should use them to complete these activities. During class, don't hesitate to ask questions.
Additionally, you will have to complete these activities on a different document, which you will submit on Google classroom.
Ms. T