4th Period Integrated Math I-Mon - Thurs: 10:45am - 11:36am / Fri: 10:50am - 11:28am Assignments

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Past Assignments


Exit Slip: What did you accomplish today?
 in Google Classroom

Exit Slip: What did you accomplish today?


FINAL Exit Slip: How was your final, did you find it easier than what you thought? Harder? What was interesting as you were working through it?? Who was your partner? How did you both communicate? in Google Classroom

FINAL Exit Slip: How was your final, did you find it easier than what you thought? Harder? What was interesting as you were working through it?? Who was your partner? How did you both communicate?


Elimination Assessment Criterion A in Google Classroom

Elimination Assessment Criterion A


ELIMINATION: EXIT SLIP in Google Classroom



SOLVING Systems using ELIMiNATION in Google Classroom



LCM Elimination Check IN in Google Classroom

LCM Elimination Check IN


LCM SoE in Google Classroom



Classwork 5/10 LCM and Elimination Practice  in Google Classroom

Classwork 5/10 LCM and Elimination Practice

Hi all, 

Please take today to complete this practice and make sure you turn in this assignment along with your work! When you're done, go ahead and complete any missing assignments,  or any other classwork you're missing. Email me if you have any questions! :)


Systems of Equations: SPICCYYYYYY Problems in Google Classroom

Systems of Equations: SPICCYYYYYY Problems


Systems of Equations Through Elimination: Peardeck in Google Classroom

Systems of Equations Through Elimination: Peardeck

HI all, this is the peardeck we were working on today. Please take a look at it and complete some problems over the weekend.


Warm Up: 4/30 Systems of Equations: Elimination in Google Classroom

Warm Up: 4/30 Systems of Equations: Elimination

Hi all! 

Please take some time to answer this question:

How is elimination going? Were you able to do the exit slip? Is there anything I need to know?


Exit Slip: Elimination  in Google Classroom

Exit Slip: Elimination

Please find the solution to the following system.


CLASSWORK 4/26 in Google Classroom


Hi all, 

Please use this work day to practice on solving equations through elimination. Please remember to share your work, either on this jamboard or on a separate piece of paper (just make sure you upload it on to this assignment. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IN! :)


Math Puzzle in Google Classroom

Math Puzzle

Please complete once you are done with your Standard Form Assessment Corrections.


4.19 WARM UP in Google Classroom

4.19 WARM UP

Warm Up: Attendance on Google ClassroomAs we start a new chapter in our education, are you learning in person or remote? How can your teacher make sure to help you?


Standard Form Criterion A Assessment in Google Classroom

Standard Form Criterion A Assessment


Standard form Practice before Assessment in Google Classroom

Standard form Practice before Assessment

Write equations from slope intercept form to standard form. Please make sure you SHOW ALL your work.


Standard Form Practice in Google Classroom

Standard Form Practice


Car Research Jam in Google Classroom

Car Research Jam


Writing Linear Equations of Applications Problems in Google Classroom

Writing Linear Equations of Applications Problems

This is a self paced practice peardeck, please turn in the assignment once the peardeck has been 100% attempted and completed! :)


Start of Unit 3 Reflection: What are your goals? What are you most excited about in Unit 3? How is the pacing of the class? What can the teacher do to support YOUR learning better?

Vamos a empezar una nueva unidad. Que metas tienes? Que es algo que estas feliz de aprender? Como va el paso de la clase (muy rápido, muy despacio, o va bien)? Que puede hacer tu maestra para APOYARTE en tu aprendizaje.  in Google Classroom

Start of Unit 3 Reflection: What are your goals? What are you most excited about in Unit 3? How is the pacing of the class? What can the teacher do to support YOUR learning better? Vamos a empezar una nueva unidad. Que metas tienes? Que es algo que estas feliz de aprender? Como va el paso de la clase (muy rápido, muy despacio, o va bien)? Que puede hacer tu maestra para APOYARTE en tu aprendizaje.


Unit 3 Entry Document in Google Classroom

Unit 3 Entry Document


Writing Equations of Perpendicular Lines Criterion A in Google Classroom

Writing Equations of Perpendicular Lines Criterion A

Make sure you show your work, either typed or upload a picture of the work on a separate sheet of paper.

This needs to be turned in BY THE END OF CLASS.


Perpendicular Investigation Criterion B in Google Classroom

Perpendicular Investigation Criterion B

You will be completing this investigation to find the relationship between two perpendicular lines and their equations.


IB Learner Profile / Perfil de aprendizaje de IB in Google Classroom

IB Learner Profile / Perfil de aprendizaje de IB

This week, we will be focusing on Risk Taking. In the IB Learner Profile, it mentions that Risk Taking is:
Approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and careful consideration.

How do you think you will be approaching this profile for this upcoming week? What would that look like in our math class?
En esta semana, nos enfocaremos en ser Tomadores de Riesgo. En el perfil de aprendizaje de IB, menciona que Tomadores de Riesgo es un perfil en el cual practicas evaluando situaciones desconocidas pero puedes intentar resolverlas y estudiarlas con consideración y valentía sin rendirte.


Writing Equations of Parallel Lines REVIEW in Google Classroom

Writing Equations of Parallel Lines REVIEW


Parallel Practice in Google Classroom

Parallel Practice


This week, we will be focusing on the following IB Learner Profile, being INQUIRERS. 

En esta semana nos vamos a enfocar en el perfil de INVESTIGADORES. Como puedes practicar este perfil? Que preguntas tienes sobre esto? in Google Classroom

This week, we will be focusing on the following IB Learner Profile, being INQUIRERS. En esta semana nos vamos a enfocar en el perfil de INVESTIGADORES. Como puedes practicar este perfil? Que preguntas tienes sobre esto?

In this question, I would like for you to think of a way that you will practice this trait. Also please think of a question you have about this.


Parallel Investigation in Google Classroom

Parallel Investigation


On a scale of 1 - 3 (3 being you were communicating and got started on the jamboard and 1 being we didnt talk AT ALL) how was your overall assignment experience with your partner?

What are some questions / comments that you have about this task? in Google Classroom

On a scale of 1 - 3 (3 being you were communicating and got started on the jamboard and 1 being we didnt talk AT ALL) how was your overall assignment experience with your partner? What are some questions / comments that you have about this task?


What are some of your favorite songs that you would like for me to play during class? **Insert a link to a youtube video if possible** in Google Classroom

What are some of your favorite songs that you would like for me to play during class? **Insert a link to a youtube video if possible**


Group Member Question: in Google Classroom

Group Member Question:

Who in the class do you work BEST with (the class list is below)?

If we do group work, who would you like to be paired with or be in a group with?


Final Link in Google Classroom

Final Link

Please make sure to


Study Guide for Final in Google Classroom

Study Guide for Final

Hi all, please make sure to complete the final study guide on a separate sheet of paper. You will be uploading pictures of it completed on to this assignment.

DUE Wednesday @ 11:59pm


Finding Slope Practice in Google Classroom

Finding Slope Practice


Khan Academy Slope from a graph practice in Google Classroom

Khan Academy Slope from a graph practice

Please make sure you complete the four slope practice problems with at least 80% accuracy.


Equations Around the Slides Activity in Google Classroom

Equations Around the Slides Activity

Hi all, we will be doing a review activity for the equations. Directions will be given in class so stay tuned!