3 rd Period RS1 Occup Prepa I-Rook 001 Assignments

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Occ Prep Final Survey in Google Classroom

Occ Prep Final Survey

Please complete all questions in complete sentences. 


SMART Goal Setting in Google Classroom

SMART Goal Setting

Use the guiding questions to write a SMART goal related to completing applications in January.


Advisory Lesson Activities in Google Classroom

Advisory Lesson Activities

Upload you doc/slides/Jamboard to this assignment!


Decision Making Steps in Google Classroom

Decision Making Steps

Use the decision making steps to make the right choice!


Self-Esteem Circle Story in Google Classroom

Self-Esteem Circle Story

Read the following story and apply it to the circle of self-esteem by pointing to the areas of the circle that illustrate the story.


Basic Human Needs Checksheet in Google Classroom

Basic Human Needs Checksheet

Complete the attached survey. As you read each statement check the number that fits you. Check "Met" if you did what the statements says in the last 24 hours. Check "Almost" if you almost completed the statement and select "Not Met" if you did not complete the statment in the last 24 hours.


Are We All Different? in Google Classroom

Are We All Different?

Complete the attached survey.
Read each pair of words. Choose the one most like you. Be prepared to talk about your choice!


Personal Empowerment Key Words in Google Classroom

Personal Empowerment Key Words

Step 1) Use dictionary.com to find and write definitions for each of the words below
Step 2) Use the internet to find a visual representation of each key word (make sure it matches the definition!)