IB Theory of Knowledge I-Potter Period 5 Assignments

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Final Reflection  in Google Classroom

Final Reflection

Pick a note-taker and presenter for each group 


extra credit regarding Religious knowledge in Google Classroom

extra credit regarding Religious knowledge

Feel free to complete this graphic organizer on religious knowledge to bump up your grade.


What patterns and discrepancies do you notice across world religions?  in Google Classroom

What patterns and discrepancies do you notice across world religions?

Note patterns and discrepancies across religions

Draw one conclusion you can back up  using the chart the class created 


The Black Prophetic Tradition in Google Classroom

The Black Prophetic Tradition

How does the Black Prophetic Tradition, as described by Reverend William Barber, address the historic wrongs imposed on the Black community as demonstrated by the Tulsa riots? Also, what does it suggest about


answer the following questions  in Google Classroom

answer the following questions

What are your religious beliefs if any? Why do you believe that? Is it a set of beliefs you came to by yourself or absorbed through family and tradition? 
Do you think reason should play a role in determining religious beliefs? 
Look at the meaning of ‘exist’ in the following sentences: 

                       Which statement is most like ‘God exists’? 
4. Would any of the following demonstrate the existence of GOD? 

If believers live 25 years longer than atheists
If prayers of believers were answered 
If children quoted the bible as soon as they talk 
If believers were more successful than atheists 
If believers could perform miracles 
If believers spirits left their bodies at death

Can you think of any empirical test that would prove that GOD existed? 



Reflection on Religious Knowledge in Google Classroom

Reflection on Religious Knowledge

1. Think/Talk about your thinking during the process. How did your understanding of the question/topic change?
2. Why might this process be important for you to do when investigating the nature and contributions of Religious knowledge?
3. How can you use this strategy to better understand the controversies and dilemmas that come up in Religious knowledge? 


TOK Final Exhibition and Showcase Schedule  in Google Classroom

TOK Final Exhibition and Showcase Schedule

Please review this schedule. Key deadlines have been sent to you via your google calendar, please accept the invites.


Grading Exhibits  in Google Classroom

Grading Exhibits

You and your groups will review 2-3 exhibits. 
Review the rubric and score the submission. 
Write down your reasons for the score.
We will them look at how IB scored them. 


Exhibition Document for revision, edits and final submission  in Google Classroom

Exhibition Document for revision, edits and final submission

Use this to develop your final version.


How did this unit change or influence your views of Math and Science/ Epidemiology as knowledge systems? What do Bjork, Mos Def, Einstein and Dostoyevsky have in common? Where do they see the world differently?  in Google Classroom

How did this unit change or influence your views of Math and Science/ Epidemiology as knowledge systems? What do Bjork, Mos Def, Einstein and Dostoyevsky have in common? Where do they see the world differently?

Write down a response to the question above and be prepared to share it with the class along with a response to two of your classmates.


Einstein, Relativity and Black Holes in Google Classroom

Einstein, Relativity and Black Holes

Consider all your wows and wonders. Annotate and comment bonanza. How does it challenge or reinforce your conceptions of scientific knowledge? Write down at least 6 comments connected to 6 highlights or underlined areas. Then, try to find one overall pattern about Einstein's work and accomplishments and one overall discrepancy.


Dostoyevsky and the challenge of reason  in Google Classroom

Dostoyevsky and the challenge of reason

Find a golden line on each page (highlight, post-it or underline it) and then attempt to answer the question at the end. Make sure to put your initials on your final post!


Reflection and response to Epidemics and Society  in Google Classroom

Reflection and response to Epidemics and Society

Using the image, pick a Knowledge Question to respond to in 1-2 paragraphs using 3 disease case studies to back up your response. 
Make sure to review the rubric.


Reflect on the following questions from the Civics / Think Tac Toe project. 

1) How did you feel about the issue before you took action and after you took action? To what do you attribute the change? 
2) Do you feel good about what you did? Do you wish you did more? Something differently? 
3) If future students had an opportunity to engage in a similar project, what would you change? What would you keep? Why? 
4) Are you likely to continue your advocacy and organizing on this issue? Others? Why or why not? 
5) Think about your own advocacy, writing and actions. How did you bear witness to injustice, how did you hold those with decision making power accountable?  And How did you amplify marginalized voices through his project?  in Google Classroom

Reflect on the following questions from the Civics / Think Tac Toe project. 1) How did you feel about the issue before you took action and after you took action? To what do you attribute the change? 2) Do you feel good about what you did? Do you wish you did more? Something differently? 3) If future students had an opportunity to engage in a similar project, what would you change? What would you keep? Why? 4) Are you likely to continue your advocacy and organizing on this issue? Others? Why or why not? 5) Think about your own advocacy, writing and actions. How did you bear witness to injustice, how did you hold those with decision making power accountable? And How did you amplify marginalized voices through his project?

Reflect on the following questions from the Civics / Think Tac Toe project. 


Lit Circles for 'Epidemics and Society'  in Google Classroom

Lit Circles for 'Epidemics and Society'

Using this Lit Circle guide, you and your team will sign up for one of the chapters from the book 'Epidemics and Society' in the google sheets document below. 
We will formally begin the assignment next week but today you will get to ask questions and pick your topic.


Take Action and Make a Move!  in Google Classroom

Take Action and Make a Move!

Using this rubric and Think Tac Toe, you and your group should complete a 5 point, 10 point, 15 point and the mandatory 20 point tasks. Create a dossier to document your efforts like the example from Mr. Potter. 


What is Snowden's "intellectual hypothesis" about pandemics? Do you agree or disagree? Do you think it is a good idea to approach the Natural Sciences with this topic and through this book? Why or Why not?  in Google Classroom

What is Snowden's "intellectual hypothesis" about pandemics? Do you agree or disagree? Do you think it is a good idea to approach the Natural Sciences with this topic and through this book? Why or Why not?

Read the preface and Introduction of Snowden's book 'Epidemics and Society' then answer the questions and respond to two of your classmates.


Recalibrating my Legislative and Budget Priorities  in Google Classroom

Recalibrating my Legislative and Budget Priorities

Using 2 of the articles from the document attached (you choose), your groups should re-commit to you legislative focus and determine how to incorporate your CPS budget priorities that are aligned and connected. 

Also, below are some of the bills we have discussed in class, some of which are mentioned in the articles 

Housing Justice -- HB 116 and HB 4044 → Lifts the Ban on Rent Control Democracy in Schools -- HB 256 and HB 257; SB 148 (LSC inclusivity) Elected School Board : HB 2908 -- gives Chicago an elected school board for first time in history if passed. SB1821 COVID-19 Learning Recovery for Students with Significant Disabilities in Transition Programs  Curriculum -- Asian Amer history HB 376 Juvenile and Criminal Justice -- HB2989 - Eliminating Mandatory Gun Enhancements - HB1821 - Eliminating Juvenile Life Without Parole SB2363 and SB2376 - These 2 laws have to do with "Accountability" when you are not actually the person who for instance "shot the gun" but perhaps were the driver or with your friend.  SB1976- "Point of Contact" this will establish a point person in Springfield for family members and loved ones to call when they are mistreated by officers while visiting or denied a visit by officers. Environment -- Clean Energy Jobs Act - HB 0804  makes Illinois carbon neutral by 2050Economics -- EIC SB 2184 and HB 2792 : Gives more families (including the undocumented) access to tax releive and new anti-child poverty funds in federal stimulus.  


Setting the Stage for my Legislative Action Plans in Google Classroom

Setting the Stage for my Legislative Action Plans

Today, i will group you according to issue interests.
Together, you should fill out one of these documents (put all your names on it).
You should investigate your bills, understand them and consider how to advocate for them.


What did you learn today about your state government and reps? What does this information suggest to you about the nature of government and Democracy in our country? What additional questions do you have?  in Google Classroom

What did you learn today about your state government and reps? What does this information suggest to you about the nature of government and Democracy in our country? What additional questions do you have?

Using your learning from today respond to the questions


Treasure Bill Hunt in Google Classroom

Treasure Bill Hunt

Using this form, track down a few prominent bills, and some on your own, that you might want to lobby and campaign around.


Do your math, with the $2 billion stimulus to CPS in Google Classroom

Do your math, with the $2 billion stimulus to CPS

Using the instructions in the spreadsheet.
Please, following Ms. Soto's instructions, complete the following tasks. In your groups:
1. In Tab 1, rank the areas of investment with #1 being your top priority. Also, feel free to add other items (though you made need to do research to figure out cost per school or per student.
2. In Tab 2, complete the BOYCP budget by using the stimulus funds to address your priorities.
3. In Tab 3, complete a pie chart using the example, for your own school budget.

Also, don't forget to finish the survey from yesterday if you haven't already here: https://forms.gle/ef4Dw4K11PN3kGiu8
When finished, try to wrap up the IL Legislative Treasure Hunt from last week. Attached is a list of Bills you could investigate in the worksheet.


Proofiness -- The Dark Arts of Mathematical Deception  in Google Classroom

Proofiness -- The Dark Arts of Mathematical Deception

Is Math reliable or fundamentally flawed? Find evidence / patterns and discrepancies based on your initial response to this question. Capture it all in your annotations. Also take note of any key terms (like Potemkin numbers, disestimates, cherry picking, fruit packing, etc.). I will ask each group to provide 1-2 examples and share your annotations with the class. Everyone should take notes inside of your document for future reference.


Math Lab in Google Classroom

Math Lab

Using the Peardeck from today, the book PDF and the padlet timeline linked into the attached google doc, you will
1) Theorize about early math systems in the peardeck in groups
2) Look up your assigned math system in the book and read about it
3) Create a timeline submission that is chronologically accurate for your system (make sure your names on on the submission)
4) Reflect on the implications for all these systems
5) Create a rhyme about Math systems (Big Pott will demo tomorrow)


Exhibition Drop Spot  in Google Classroom

Exhibition Drop Spot

Place your drafts and then final exhibitions here.


Manufacturing and Consent  in Google Classroom

Manufacturing and Consent

We will use this graphic organizer on Wednesday and the Jamboard on the following Monday.
Directions forthcoming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34LGPIXvU5M&feature=emb_logo


Manufacturing Consent Jamboard for Today in Google Classroom

Manufacturing Consent Jamboard for Today

Use this one for today. You will fill out every slide with annotations and reflections.


Interpreting and interrogating my Knowledge Question  in Google Classroom

Interpreting and interrogating my Knowledge Question

In your groups, go through and answer the following questions regarding your KQ / IA prompt

Knowledge Questions and IA prompts: 1. What counts as knowledge? 2. Are some types of knowledge more useful than others? 3. What features of knowledge have an impact on its reliability? 4. On what grounds might we doubt a claim? 5. What counts as good evidence for a claim? 6. How does the way that we organize or classify knowledge affect what we know? 7. What are the implications of having, or not having, knowledge? 8. To what extent is certainty attainable? 9. Are some types of knowledge less open to interpretation than others? 10. What challenges are raised by the dissemination and/or communication of knowledge? 11. Can new knowledge change established values or beliefs? 12. Is bias inevitable in the production of knowledge? 13. How can we know that current knowledge is an improvement upon past knowledge? 14. Does some knowledge belong only to particular communities of knowers? 15. What constraints are there on the pursuit of knowledge? 16. Should some knowledge not be sought on ethical grounds? 17. Why do we seek knowledge? 18. Are some things unknowable? 19. What counts as a good justification for a claim? 20. What is the relationship between personal experience and knowledge? 21. What is the relationship between knowledge and culture? 22. What role do experts play in influencing our consumption or acquisition of knowledge? 23. How important are material tools in the production or acquisition of knowledge? 24. How might the context in which knowledge is presented influence whether it is accepted or rejected? 25. How can we distinguish between knowledge, belief and opinion? 26. Does our knowledge depend on our interactions with other knowers? 27. Does all knowledge impose ethical obligations on those who know it? 28. To what extent is objectivity possible in the production or acquisition of knowledge? 29. Who owns knowledge? 30. What role does imagination play in producing knowledge about the world? 31. How can we judge when evidence is adequate? 32. What makes a good explanation? 33. How is current knowledge shaped by its historical development? 34. In what ways do our values affect our acquisition of knowledge? 35. In what ways do values affect the production of knowledge?


Vaccines as Ethical Dilemmas?  in Google Classroom

Vaccines as Ethical Dilemmas?

Read this article and annotate in groups. Note any patterns or discrepancies in ethical considerations as you read. Each person should have 4 annotations and 2 responses to classmate comments. You may share one doc to your group and turn it in as a group. Overall, what does this article suggest about the intersection of Ethics and the Natural Sciences?


Those Who Walk Away from Omelas  in Google Classroom

Those Who Walk Away from Omelas

As you read this story out-loud as a class , take note of any ethical considerations or ways in which Art and fiction can help illuminate reality and build our knowledge. We will annotate together for the first paragraph to show examples


ethical dilemmas  in Google Classroom

ethical dilemmas

do this


Ethical Lenses and Quotes  in Google Classroom

Ethical Lenses and Quotes

Today you will match the quotes with the right lenses. Everyone should fill out your own sheet but work together in your groups to best assign the categories.


What is the literary, symbolic, and thematic purpose of the paper-knife in Sartre's No Exit? 
Does this quote from Inez help you answer the question? 
“Dead!  Dead!  Dead!  Knives, poison, ropes--all are useless.  It has happened already, do you understand?  Once and for all. So here we are, forever.” 
 2.  Describe Hell as depicted in No Exit, and say how is it different from the traditional idea of hell.
 in Google Classroom

What is the literary, symbolic, and thematic purpose of the paper-knife in Sartre's No Exit? Does this quote from Inez help you answer the question? “Dead! Dead! Dead! Knives, poison, ropes--all are useless. It has happened already, do you understand? Once and for all. So here we are, forever.” 2. Describe Hell as depicted in No Exit, and say how is it different from the traditional idea of hell.

Answer the following questions about ‘No Exit’
What is the literary, symbolic, and thematic purpose of the paper-knife in Sartre's No Exit?
Does this quote from Inez help you answer the question?
“Dead! Dead! Dead! Knives, poison, ropes--all are useless. It has happened already, do you understand? Once and for all. So here we are, forever.”
2. Describe Hell as depicted in No Exit, and say how is it different from the traditional idea of hell.


RLS Exhibit practice  in Google Classroom

RLS Exhibit practice

Answer the 4 questions and find an object using breaking news


What would you want Biden to do with his power? in Google Classroom

What would you want Biden to do with his power?

Copy and paste your postcard response below and respond to at least one of your classmates. https://demand.thefrontline.org/


Pick your groups, Draft a Proposal, Make a Move  in Google Classroom

Pick your groups, Draft a Proposal, Make a Move

Using the spreadsheet pick your groups and focus.
Using the Proposal template, lay out your memorial or school and your proposed change.
Use the blank Google Slides to create your 3 slides for your class presentation.


Rename LSD after DuSable?  in Google Classroom

Rename LSD after DuSable?

Should Chicago rename Lake Shore Drive to Jean Pointe DuSable Drive?
Why or why not? Answer and respond to 2 of your classmates.


Monument Review and Revision  in Google Classroom

Monument Review and Revision

You and your partner/s will review the linked in monument that is at a school or a park. Your job is to look at it carefully, read about it, and determine whether it should be revised, re-contextualized or replaced. Fill in all the boxes by the end of the period.


Given the current demographics of students at your elementary school, do you think this name continues to be an appropriate one? Why or why not? Would people be sad if the name were changed (people are often attached to school names)? If you disagree with the current name, do you have any idea for someone or something else your elementary school could be named after?
 in Google Classroom

Given the current demographics of students at your elementary school, do you think this name continues to be an appropriate one? Why or why not? Would people be sad if the name were changed (people are often attached to school names)? If you disagree with the current name, do you have any idea for someone or something else your elementary school could be named after?

After talking with your group (if you have one) ... state your response to the question thoroughly and comprehensively.


Mandela Hagiography Documents  in Google Classroom

Mandela Hagiography Documents

Using these documents, read in your groups and then in one document ... make annotations for each doc to share your thoughts on whether the information contradicts or corresponds to the traditional Hagiography of Mandela. You may want to have one doc to share that you will submit for your group.


Me Gustan Los Estudiantes. Your response to History Knowledge Question on Torture and Memory  in Google Classroom

Me Gustan Los Estudiantes. Your response to History Knowledge Question on Torture and Memory

Using the IA prompts and your sources from this unit, complete a free write response.
Remember to
1) Address the implications of the prompt first, interpret / define key terms
2) Provide RLSs from the unit to help you defend your claims in response to the prompt
3) Reference a claim that contradicts your own and reconcile that claim with your overall perspective


Torture and Memory in Google Classroom

Torture and Memory

We will be using this text for this week.
On Monday, we will :
Annotate patterns and discrepancies
What do you think you have learned?
What do you wonder about?
Ethical references or decisions … Utilitarian & Deontological
Think about how your life experience (either personal or shared knowledge) that connects to or relates to any of these themes and experiences

On Wednesday we will:

Pair up
You will be assigned #1 pages 282-284 from “The Photographs Did Not Lie”
#2 pg.284-285 from “Withholding Pancakes”
#3 pg. 286-287
2. Identify what the author thinks are solutions to the problems of state terror, atrocities and contested memories. Record those for safe-keeping
3. Find a person from another group and share what you have learned. Jot down anything you find compelling or worth remembering.


Nuclear Fears Real or Imagined  in Google Classroom

Nuclear Fears Real or Imagined

In your groups (1-6) you will answer the questions in the document attached. You can turn in one document in for the entire group as long as all of your names are listed.


Understanding Marxism / Communism and the quest for human improvement  in Google Classroom

Understanding Marxism / Communism and the quest for human improvement

You and your partners will answer the questions using the Communist Manifesto as a guide.


Creative Assignment over break in Google Classroom

Creative Assignment over break

Pick either artistic rendering, spoken word or first person account to reflect your learning so far in this unit.


Fanon Poster Production  in Google Classroom

Fanon Poster Production

Group members
2-4 quotes (3 points)
3-6 images (6 points)
2-4 beliefs (4 points)
Central image of Fanon or symbolic representation (2 points)
Central Summary of Fanon’s thought/ beliefs/ ideas (5 points)


Historical Perspective : Analyzing textbooks from different countries of the same event.  in Google Classroom

Historical Perspective : Analyzing textbooks from different countries of the same event.

Review these three perspectives.
Consider how they are different, similar and what that suggests about the nature of Historical knowledge.


What are a few things you and your group learned, using historical knowledge, about climate change that you did not know previously? Are there limits to that historical interpretation?  in Google Classroom

What are a few things you and your group learned, using historical knowledge, about climate change that you did not know previously? Are there limits to that historical interpretation?

Reflect on the article and respond to at least one of your classmates.


RLS review form  in Google Classroom

RLS review form

Bank another RLS , just do the first page, not the second page.


Initial interpretations of History  in Google Classroom

Initial interpretations of History

You and your team-mates will be interpreting a quote for our class.
For each quote the team should
1. Come up with a translation in your own words to share it's meaning with your whole class
2. Find an image
3. Have an actual example you can use to illustrate the meaning of the quote

#1 -- choose between quote #1 or #18
#2 -- choose between quote #2 or #17
#3 -- choose between quote #3 or #16
#4 -- choose between quote #4 or #15
#5 -- choose between quote #5 or #14
#6 -- choose between quote #6 or #13
#7 -- choose between quote #7 or #12
#8 -- choose between quote #8 or #11
#9 -- choose between quote #9 or #10


IA / Object Reflection  in Google Classroom

IA / Object Reflection

Using the TOK Rubric Below, you will identify one object and one IA to respond to. Using the object and what you know about Technology, Politics ... any relevant AOKs and TOK generally, give your best effort, in approximately 100 words for the prompt and 250 words for the response.


Real Life Situation and IA prompt for Technology and Politics  in Google Classroom

Real Life Situation and IA prompt for Technology and Politics

Using this graphic organizer you will create an RLS capture file on Monday and then convert that information into an initial take on an IA prompt on Tuesday.


What are things you learned from the presentations today? How does the article help answer the question "Is it possible to over-rely on technology? Does social media do more to interpret or distort reality?" in Google Classroom

What are things you learned from the presentations today? How does the article help answer the question "Is it possible to over-rely on technology? Does social media do more to interpret or distort reality?"

Respond to the question and at least two other classmates.


Simulating Democracy  in Google Classroom

Simulating Democracy

You will be using this text for the next two days.
For day one, you will skim and scan and take preliminary annotations on your own.
Day two, you will be assigned a section to interpret and present to the class.


Quiz final assignment  in Google Classroom

Quiz final assignment

Write your suggestion of what to do with the Blackhawks insignia directly to the team and to the Chicago media. It should be around 250 words. After you are done, copy it and email it both to the Tribune or Suntimes and to the Blackhawks. Alternatively, you can draw or digitally create an alternative image to suggest as a replacement to the Blackhawks mascot and send that instead with an explanation. [email protected], [email protected]; https://www.nhl.com/blackhawks/info/contact-us ; make sure to put your name, address, phone, email, school and neighborhood at the top of your email. Also, feel free to check out the letters to the editor attached as models.


To what extent do Childish Gambino, Blackhawk (and Fawn Pochel, Roxana Dunbar-Ortiz) and Plato agree and/or disagree about the nature of reality? Do they rely on similar or different evidence? Certainty and Absolute Certainty? Who is more convincing and why?    in Google Classroom

To what extent do Childish Gambino, Blackhawk (and Fawn Pochel, Roxana Dunbar-Ortiz) and Plato agree and/or disagree about the nature of reality? Do they rely on similar or different evidence? Certainty and Absolute Certainty? Who is more convincing and why?

respond to talking classmates


Chicago Blackhawks and Blackhawk  in Google Classroom

Chicago Blackhawks and Blackhawk

We will read this in groups and annotate together using our questions about Blackhawk, we will find evidence and test our claims.


Science, Art and Indigenous Societies  in Google Classroom

Science, Art and Indigenous Societies

You will explore the links between either 1) Indigenous societies and Science OR 2) Indigenous Societies and Art. Read either the article on indigenous sustainability practices or the story the Red Convertible. Using information / evidence from one of the two readings, pick one of the following questions to answer and write a two paragraph response to the question.

*Does our culture determine what we know?
*Who owns knowledge?
*How have government education policies and systems compromised the transmission of indigenous knowledge?
*To what extent is our perspective determined by our membership of a particular culture?
*What values and assumptions underpin the use of the term "indigenous" knowledge?
*As an "outsider," can we know and speak about the knowledge held by a different cultural group?
*Does what is seen to constitute "good evidence": vary from culture to culture?
*How might differences in their worldviews create challenges for collaboration between environmental scientists and holders of traditional environmental knowledge?
*What role do objects and artifacts play in the construction and sharing of knowledge?
*Is cultural appropriation an example of a violation of collective intellectual property rights?
*Can the practices of one individual or culture be judged with any validity by applying the moral values of another generation or another culture?


Peer Review of Spark Videos  in Google Classroom

Peer Review of Spark Videos

Use this form to review your classmates videos


What does this piece by French philosopher Jean Baudrillard, have in common with Plato's Cave and The Matrix? (it doesn't have to link both of them, one is sufficient... a hint is that this book by Baudrillard also inspired the film 'The Matrix' in Google Classroom

What does this piece by French philosopher Jean Baudrillard, have in common with Plato's Cave and The Matrix? (it doesn't have to link both of them, one is sufficient... a hint is that this book by Baudrillard also inspired the film 'The Matrix'

Read excerpt below. Comment on it in comments and respond to one of your classmates.

THE PRECESSION OF SIMULACRA: The simulacrum is never what hides the truth - it is truth that hides the fact that there is none. The simulacrum is true. –Ecclesiastes

If once we were able to view the Borges fable in which the cartographers of the Empire draw up a map so detailed that it ends up covering the territory exactly (the decline of the Empire witnesses the fraying of this map, little by little, and its fall into ruins, though some shreds are still discernible in the deserts - the metaphysical beauty of this ruined abstraction testifying to a pride equal to the Empire and rotting like a carcass, returning to the substance of the soil, a bit as the double ends by being confused with the real through aging) - as the most beautiful allegory of simulation, this fable has now come full circle for us, and possesses nothing but the discrete charm of second-order simulacra.*Today abstraction is no longer that of the map, the double, the mirror, or the concept. Simulation is no longer that of a territory, a referential being, or a substance. It is the generation by models of a real without origin or reality: a hyperreal. The territory no longer precedes the map, nor does it survive it. It is nevertheless the map that precedes the territory - precession of simulacra - that engenders the territory, and if one must return to the fable, today it is the territory whose shreds slowly rot across the extent of the map. It is the real, and not the map, whose vestiges persist here and there in the deserts that are no longer those of the Empire, but ours. The desert of the real itself

Such would be the successive phases of the image:
it is the reflection of a profound reality;
it masks and denatures a profound reality;
it masks the absence of a profound reality;
it has no relation to any reality whatsoever;
it is its own pure simulacrum.


The Cave in graphic form  in Google Classroom

The Cave in graphic form

Check out this infographic about the Allegory of the Cave.
Think about what is similar and different from the story itself.
Is it how you would visually represent the story and its meaning?
Unlike most texts you read this one from the bottom up. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the feed to begin the story and scroll upwards to finish.
respond to at least one classmate


Plato's Cave Notes  in Google Classroom

Plato's Cave Notes

As we read Plato's cave in your groups, you will take some notes and capture important imagery.
Here is the digital version we will use https://yale.learningu.org/download/ca778ca3-7e93-4fa6-a03f-471e6f15028f/H2664_Allegory%20of%20the%20Cave%20.pdf

Use this jamboard to
1) Capture a golden line (different group member) per paragraph
2) Sum up any key developments with text or imagery
3) Note any central ideas from the Allegory


Stick Figure assignment  in Google Classroom

Stick Figure assignment

Use these instructions or the one on the slide to complete your stick figure and Identify your object.
Be prepared to present your object to class tomorrow


5 sources and annotations  in Google Classroom

5 sources and annotations

I will group you into 5 groups. your number will indicate the source you have to annotate. You should also pick another source, of your choice, to annotate when you are finished.
We will annotate part of the first source together. I will randomly ask people from the 5 groups to share what they noticed from their documents. Try and find information within your source that helps explain what happened in El Paso and what happened in Kenosha.


TOK interest survey  in Google Classroom

TOK interest survey

Please fill out this survey for your first homework assignment. https://forms.gle/J2UfUsuC6ipsKrDa8