Librarian Charanjeet Baez » Book Club

Book Club

Welcome to the BOYCP Book Club Page!
BOYCP book club meets once a week and discuss themes, topics and other things that come up as we are reading. The books are 100% selected by students and activities and field trips are planned according to the text we are currently reading. Everyone is welcome to come! Consider book club a space to come and hang out, get to know other people and discuss topics and issues that have been on your mind. It's a great place to make connections and meet new friends. We meet on Thursdays from 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM.
Here is the Google Classroom Code if you are interested in joining us:  5ibmb6w  We look forward to seeing you soon!
Being a member of Book Club automatically involves you in the following activities:
  • Homecoming Pep Rally
  • Homecoming Dance & other dances
  • Annual Potluck
  • Annual Murder Mystery
  • Anime/Kpop Festival
Currently Reading:
Opposite of Always